Tuesday, June 8, 2010


"Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.." James 2:17a

Many have so many great, noble dreams but they wonder why those dreams have not become realities. They have great, exciting dreams but live like they would be glad to have whatever the world offers them. An old adage says, "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride." They have dreams of living as kings on earth but would, in reality live as paupers all

Great men do not become great only by the quality of their dreams. It is the quality of work they apply to the quality of their dreams that produce quality accomplishment. Dr. Schuller says you must never allow anybody tell you to take care. They may be good intentioned but good intentions have never brought dreams to reality. To take care, to take it easy is not an appropriate attitude for those that have dreams to fulfill. Frankly, those who take it easy never go anywhere. They never affect their generation. To take it easy robs life of a sense of urgency without which visions and dreams cannot be realized. For the achiever, life must have a sense of urgency - can't wait to touch lives, can't wait to give to the world something of value, can't wait for barriers to be broken, new territories to be taken, new areas to be developed.

Take a chance! Take a risk! The greatest inventions in human history were made by men who took chances as well as risks. The risk of failure is the test of the validity of a vision. If a dream does not have a risk of failure, it will never be a blessing to humanity. If it can't fail, then, it can't succeed.

Many are living on the low land of mediocrity because they feel safe. They will not venture into 'high risk' areas so that they do not fail. It is better to fail in attempting to do something great than to succeed at doing little or r nothing.
We have computers today because somebody took a chance. We have aeroplanes today because somebody took a risk. We ride cars today because somebody took a chance. People go to the moon today because somebody took a chance. We enjoy electricity today because somebody took a chance. We use the phone because somebody took a chance. Every facility we enjoy today is because somebody took a chance.

You too, take a chance and win. Take a risk and became a hero.

Take charge and take control. Many people wait for a lucky turn of fortune. Luck has produced more failures than anything else. Have you not heard many people excuse their empty lives by the refrain, "I just happen to be unlucky." Those who rely on luck will never do anything meaningful with their lives.

Am believing God for you this week. There is a miracle with your name on it in Jesus name.

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